ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples
Week 1 Discussion
DQ1 Ecological Footprint Calculator
Take a look at your results from the Ecological Footprint Calculator you completed this week and briefly respond to the following questions:
What is the total number of acres needed to support you?
How does your Ecological Footprint break down into the different consumption categories: Food, shelter, mobility, goods, and services? What does this tell you?
How does your Footprint compare to the 2016 U.S. average per capita Footprint of approximately 8.1 hectares/ 20 acres (Global Footprint Network, 2019)? Does this surprise you? Why or why not?
How many planet Earths would be needed to support the human population if everyone lived like you? When is your personal Earth Overshoot Day? What does this mean?
Of course, not everyone’s ecological footprint is the same. Based on the global average ecological footprint, the Global Footprint Network (n.d.) estimates that we need 1.7 planet Earths to support our global population. By using more resources than our planet can regenerate annually, the global population has an “ecological overshoot” (Global Footprint Network, n.d).
Is this sustainable? Why or why not?
What are the consequences of our large ecological footprints? In particular, what environmental issues have our large ecological footprints produced?
DQ2 Figures and Organizations in the Environmental Movement
After reading about the history of the environmental movement this week, was there one person or organization not mentioned that you believe should have been included? Or was there one person or organization just briefly mentioned that you would like to learn more about?
Choose one person that you are inspired by, or that you believe have contributed significantly to the environmental movement. Describe why you chose this person, how he or she has contributed to the environmental movement, and how this person's views or contributions relate to current and/or historical environmental issues.
Alternatively, describe an organization that has made significant contributions to the environmental movement, either in the past or currently. Describe why you chose this organization, how this organization has contributed to the environmental movement, and the role of the organization in regard to a current and/or historical environmental issues.
DQ3 Thinking about your ENMT career
With your first ENMT course, it is a good time to start thinking about your career. This week, please share (1) your thoughts about why you chose to major in Environmental Management and (2) which career(s) or profession(s) in Environmental Management align best with your reasons for choosing to become an ENMT major. Or, if you are taking ENMT 301 as an elective, share what interests you most about environmental management given the resources in week content this week and additional resources below.
To answer (2), you might want to check career-related resources such as the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (https://www.bls.gov/), Department of Labor (https://www.dol.gov/general/jobs), Environmental Careers (https://environmentalcareer.com/), EPA Careers (https://www.epa.gov/careers), Construction Jobs (https://constructionjobs.com/), Food Safety Jobs (https://www.careersinfood.com/food-safety-jobs.cfm) or many other environment or human health and safety related organizations and industries.
ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples
Week 2 Discussion
DQ1 Biogeochemical Cycles
One of the key concepts in environmental management is biogeochemical cycles. Select one of the biogeochemical cycles we have learned about this week.
How does the matter move through the cycle?
What are some environmental concerns associated with this cycle?
What would occur to ecosystems without biogeochemical cycles?
How are you naturally part of this cycle?
If you need another review of the biogeochemical cycles, check out these videos (optional):
Crash Course Ecology, “The Hydrologic and Carbon Cycles: Always Recycle!” https://youtu.be/2D7hZpIYlCA
Crash Course Ecology, “Nitrogen & Phosphorus Cycles: Always Recycle!” https://youtu.be/leHy-Y_8nRs
DQ2 "Rewild the World"
In his TED Talk “For More Wonder, Rewild the World”, George Monbiot makes a compelling argument for rewilding the world to restore the self-regulating, healthy balance of natural ecosystems. Based on the many ecological concepts you learned about this week, can you provide some scientific facts to support this argument? Can you think of an ecological service not mentioned in the TED talk?
Which factors affect the stability of ecological communities? Provide specific examples of how producers, herbivores, carnivores, scavengers, decomposers or various interspecies interactions are important for ecosystem health.
DQ3 Thinking about your ENMT career: Connecting your career goals with the ENMT 301 course and ENMT program
Please reflect back upon what you have learned in college thus far (including concepts in ENMT 301 for the first two weeks) that might contribute towards your career goals.
Discuss 3-4 specific skills and concepts from your college courses that will likely help you to make meaningful contributions in your future career as an environmental manager.
What connections can you make between concepts covered in this and last week’s course content and your intended future career?
You are welcome to reply to what others have stated and add value to their connections in place of posting your direct response to this question. If you are taking this course as an elective, please share what skills your desired career have in common with what your are seeing as needed for environmental management. Remember that skills are not the same as knowledge.
ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples
Week 3 Discussion
DQ1 Water Footprint Calculator
Take a look at your results from the Water Footprint Calculator you completed this week and briefly answer the following questions:
What is your total water footprint? Is it more or less than you expected?
Note how your water footprint is broken down into food consumption, domestic water use, and industrial goods consumption.
Now let us consider some other ways of breaking down your water footprint:
We distinguish direct and indirect water use. What is the difference? Based on your results, is your water footprint more direct or indirect? Briefly explain.
We also distinguish consumptive and non-consumptive water uses. What is consumptive water use? What is non-consumptive water use? Can you think of some examples of each based on your water consumption?
How does your diet affect your water footprint? What are the implications?
What other conclusions can you draw from your water footprint results?
Water is a renewable resource. So why do we need to be concerned about our water footprint when water is renewable through the water cycle?
What are regional and global impacts of our large water footprints?
DQ2 Protecting Biodiversity - In Your Own Backyard
This week’s readings introduce you to biodiversity and its importance, along with major threats against biodiversity.
How do our consumption patterns affect global environmental issues and in particular global species extinction?
Now let’s take a closer look at biodiversity and species endangerment in your own backyard. Visit the Endangered Species website of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at: https://www.fws.gov/endangered/
Select the state you live in and scroll down to see the animals and plants that are threatened or endangered there. Now, select one species to research further:
What is the importance of this species? For example, how does it contribute to its ecosystem? What ecosystem services does this species provide or contribute to?
What are the major threats to this particular species?
What conservation efforts have been made to protect this species? Do you think these efforts effectively address the threats? Why or why not?
For (2), please select a species not previously covered by one of your classmates or add on to what your classmates have discussed with new insights. Post your response using the species you selected as header for your post!
DQ3 Thinking about your ENMT Career: Exploration of UMUC career services
First of all, please explore UMUC career services as it is free and can be very helpful.
Please go to: https://careerquest.umuc.edu:
If you already have a CareerQuest account, login using your UMUC sign-on and password.
If you do not have a CareerQuest account, click on "Join Community!"
Fill out the required information.
This activity takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
If you have questions, email careerservices@umuc.edu or call 240-684-2720 for assistance.
Now that you are on CareerQuest, explore what is available to you.
Which careers in environmental management interest you most? Search for job opportunities for these in these careers in CareerQuest and report 3-5 relevant careers that you found.
ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples
Week 4 Discussion
DQ1 Environmental Disasters
Humans have been responsible for numerous environmental disasters throughout history. Examples include Fukushima, Three Miles Island, Chernobyl, Deep Water Horizon, Exxon Valdez, Hudson River, Love Canal, Times Beach, Minamata, Bhopal, Seveso, Flint Water Crisis, and the Dust Bowl to name a few.
Research one environmental disaster and briefly describe what happened, when and where it happened, what it was caused by, what effects it had/has on human health and the environment, and what - if anything - we learned from it to prevent a recurrence.
Could this disaster be prevented by better land use management decisions?
Please select a disaster not previously covered by one of your classmates and post your response using the disaster you selected as header for your post.
DQ2 "Toxic Baby" and the Risk Assessment Process
Think about the human health risk assessment process we have learned about this week, which is used to determine potential risks to human health resulting from the exposure to chemicals in the environment. You also watched the TED Talk “Toxic Baby” with Tyrone Hayes and Penelope Jagessar Chaffer.
First, briefly answer the following question: What was the most surprising or interesting new thing you learned from this TED Talk? Have you heard of the issues discussed in this talk previously?
Then, briefly research one toxic chemical that we are, or may be, exposed to. It can be a chemical discussed in the TED Talk or any other toxic chemical that you have heard of or that interests you. Answer one of the following questions, using the toxin you selected as an example to support your answer:
What happens in the hazard identification stage?
What happens during the dose-response assessment?
What happens during the exposure assessment?
What happens in the risk characterization stage? How is the risk “characterized”?
What is the difference between non-cancer risk assessment and cancer-risk assessment?
What is the difference between risk assessment and risk management?
Please choose a toxin not yet described by other students and indicate it in the header of your post. As always, remember to document any sources you have used, including our course materials.
DQ3 Thinking about your ENMT Career: Exploration of ENMT positions available
Here are some websites that you might want to explore in examining positions (internships and jobs) within various environmental management fields:
Bureau of Labor and Statistics (https://www.bls.gov/)
Department of Labor (https://www.dol.gov/general/jobs)
Environmental Careers (https://environmentalcareer.com/)
EPA Internships (https://www.epa.gov/careers/student-internships)
EPA Careers (https://www.epa.gov/careers)
Occupational Health Internship Program (http://aoec.org/ohip/how-to-apply/)
Environmental Health and Safety Positions (https://www.indeed.com/q-Environmental-Health-Safety-jobs.html)
Sustainability Positions (https://www.indeed.com/q-Sustainability-jobs.html)
Construction Jobs (https://constructionjobs.com/)
Food Safety Jobs (https://www.careersinfood.com/food-safety-jobs.cfm)
Choose two of these websites and compare the results to the job listings you obtained in CareerQuest in Week 3. How do the results compare in terms of (1) number, (2) detail, (3) relevance, and (4) practical usefulness to you?
ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples
Week 5 Discussion
DQ1 Climate Change Research Explorer
Climate change is a frequent topic in the news, of much political interest, and a major concern for societies around the globe. For this discussion, we will take a look at some of the data scientists compiled researching climate change.
Go back to the Climate Change Research Explorer you looked at this week.
Select one of the graphs/diagrams and describe and interpret the presented data. Be sure to address what exactly is measured (data measured/displayed), the temporal and spatial coverage of the data (units/time range), if there are any noticeable trends or anomalies, and what conclusions can be drawn from the data as it relates to climate change.
Please select data not previously covered by one of your classmates and post your response using the title of the graph/diagram you selected as header for your post.
DQ2 Clearing Up Common Misconceptions
Climate change and stratospheric ozone layer depletion are two major global environmental issues of our time. Closely related to climate change is the widely discussed issue of alternative energy sources. Yet, there are still a lot of misconceptions surrounding these issues.
Pick one of the erroneous statements below and correct them, briefly explaining why they are incorrect based on scientific evidence and scholarly sources or by going back to definitions and using them clearly.
#1. The greenhouse effect and global warming are the exact same thing.
#2. Global warming means that the weather will be warmer and generally “nicer”. The cooler than usual winters and milder and rainy summers show that global warming is not happening.
#3. Stratospheric ozone depletion causes global warming.
#4. Carbon dioxide (CO2) causes stratospheric ozone depletion. (This is a good time to review CHEM 297 to explain why this statement is incorrect.)
#5. Ozone pollution is not a serious air pollution problem. In fact, it can help solve the ozone layer problem.
#6. Electric cars are not better than gasoline-powered cars because electricity is mostly produced from coal, so total carbon emissions are about the same.
#7. Renewable energy is too expensive. It would hurt the economy to make a switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy.
#8. Biofuels are an environmentally friendly alternative to gasoline, because they are renewable and a carbon-free source of energy.
Please select a statement not previously covered by one of your classmates or add on to what your classmates have discussed with additional insights.
DQ3 Thinking about your ENMT Career: Certifications and registrations
Earning credentials in a profession can open up opportunities for employment and promotions. Credentials can come in the form of certifications, licenses, registrations and more. Here are a few to explore:
Certified safety professional: https://www.bcsp.org/CSP
Registered environmental health specialist: https://www.environmentalscience.org/career/environmental-health-professional
NEHA credentials: https://www.neha.org/professional-development/credentials
Certified hazardous materials practitioner: https://www.ihmm.org/applicants/eligibility-requirements-chmp
NEPA certification: https://qcnr.usu.edu/nepa/
With the career you are interested in mind, please answer the following questions:
Would these certifications be helpful in the career you are interested in? Explain why or why not with supporting evidence.
Share any other certifications that you think would be helpful.
ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples
Week 6 Discussion
DQ1 Garbage Content Analysis
How does your weekly garbage content compare to the average composition of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated in the United States as shown in the EPA data?
What are the three main materials found in your garbage by mass?
What actually happens with these materials in terms of collection, processing, recycling, biological treatment, incineration, and/or landfill disposal? Research how these waste materials are handled by your municipality.
How should these materials be managed ideally?
What are the main drivers for solid waste management in your county?
DQ2 Accounting for Environmental Costs
The monetary value of environmental resources and environmental quality is usually not reflected in the pricing of goods and services. Do you think it is useful to properly account for environmental costs?
How could such a full-cost approach be implemented? What effect would such an approach have on product prices and demand, as well as overall consumption patterns? Do you believe such an approach could help address some of the environmental issues we are facing today? Can you think of any examples to support your answer?
DQ3 Thinking about your ENMT Career: Networking and internships
Another aspect of moving into a new career is networking and internships. Of course, internships are a great way to network as well as gain experience to increase your marketability after graduation.
UMGC’s InternPLUS is an innovative approach for busy adults who need to obtain experience outside of the traditional, full-time summer internships. UMUC has partnered with organizations, such as Parker Dewey, to support creative and productive ways to gain real-world experience. You can find more information on InternPLUS here: What is InternPLUS? (Note: If the link does not work for you, sign in to your CareerQuest account, go to “InternPLUS”, and click on the article “What is InternPLUS?”)
Virtual Internships and Staffing and Temp Agencies can provide valuable ways to gain experience. Here you can find some more information on these opportunities including resources on how to find them:
Virtual Internships (or in CareerQuest, go to “InternPLUS” and then “Job Search”, and scroll down to “Virtual Internships”)
Staffing and Temp Agencies (or in CareerQuest, go to “InternPLUS” and then “Job Search”, and scroll down to “Staffing and Temp Agencies”)
Additionally, Volunteering can also be a great option to gain some experience! Maybe you have some opportunities in your area. You also can find some opportunities through the InternPLUS website.
Which innovative solutions in InternPLUS might best fit your schedule and academic plan?
Which InternPLUS options might best support your career pursuits?
ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples
Week 7 Discussion
DQ1 Review of the "Story of Stuff" Movie
What are your thoughts on the “Story of Stuff” movie? How does the movie tie in with the concepts and topics discussed in this course? How would our present consumption patterns change if we were to work towards sustainability?
DQ2 Your Sustainable City
This week’s learning resources introduce us to typical features and characteristics of sustainable cities. Now, think about your own community, either were you currently live or where you are originally from.
What sustainable or smart growth features does the community have? What improvements could be made?
Is your community covered in any sustainability rankings? For example, what is the walkability score? Is your community covered in the “Sustainable Cities Mobility Index” (https://www.arcadis.com/en/global/our-perspectives/sustainable-cities-mobility-index-2017/)? Or is your community a “STAR Community” (http://www.starcommunities.org/)? Or maybe you discover another rating your community is part of instead.
How can sustainable city design promote more sustainable consumption practices?
DQ3 Thinking about your ENMT Career: Summary & Reflection
Now that you have spent time over the past six weeks thinking about and researching career options in ENMT, please take some time to reflect on what you have discovered.
Discuss whether the career information you found helped you focus your future career goals onto a specific field within environmental management, or whether you discovered that the information expanded your view of environmental management career options that might interest you.
Discuss 2-3 career options that have resonated with you. What is it about these career options that interest you?
What specific action(s) will better prepare you to pursue these careers? Discuss certifications, registrations, internships, and networking opportunities that can support your pursuit of these careers.
What concepts covered in this course would you most likely use in your career of choice?
ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples
Week 8 Discussion
DQ1 Reflection
We covered a lot of material over the past few weeks. Reflect on our course and answer the following questions:
Which topic(s) covered in this course did you find the most interesting? Is it the same topic(s) you indicated in your Expectations Essay Assignment in Week 1?
Which topic(s) did you find most challenging?
Has your personal viewpoint on environmental issues and/or sustainability changed? If so, how?
Has this course inspired you to make any changes in your personal life, such as getting involved with a specific environmental cause?
DQ2 Final Exam Review
This review discussion forum provides you a chance to help each other review and prepare for the final exam.
To participate, post a paragraph about one concept that you learned in this class and found difficult to understand. Do not forget to document your sources, including our course materials.
Then, respond to at least one of your classmates' posts, for example by adding an explanation, providing an example, relating the concept to other topics discussed in class, or making gentle corrections to help each other learn.
Also, please answer any questions classmates might have about your post and provide additional feedback as necessary.
Try to select a concept that has not been chosen by another classmate prior to your post.
ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples
Expectations Essay Assignment
This assignment allows you to think about what you already know about environment and ecosystem management and to reflect on your expectations for and interest in this course.
Please write a brief 2-paragraph paper addressing the following points:
Think about previous science courses you have taken. Briefly describe one concept or principle you have learned about and explain how you believe it relates to environment and ecosystem management. Include proper documentation for any source you used in APA format.
Take a look at the topics we will cover in our course by briefly browsing the weekly “Content” area of our LEO classroom. Which of the topics interests you the most and why? What do you hope to learn? Include a reference to one of our course readings relating to the topic in APA format.
Your paper should be 1 page long (excluding references), double-spaced, with 1-inch margins all around, and 12-pt font (Times News Roman or similar).
Please document any sources used to prepare your essay in APA format with both in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your assignment. If you have forgotten how to use APA format, go to our library’s website on “APA Citation Examples” (http://sites.umuc.edu/library/libhow/apa_examples.cfm) and/or review our library’s APA tutorial (http://sites.umuc.edu/library/libhow/apa_tutorial.cfm).
ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples
Consequences of Our Energy Use Assignment
In Week 5, you have learned about the various energy sources and energy uses, along with the underlying environmental problems, and calculated your carbon footprints. For this assignment, please answer the following questions clearly and concisely in your own words:
1. How are energy use and carbon footprint generally related, and why? Briefly describe in one to two sentences.
Pick up an item in front of you right now. It has a carbon footprint in terms of anthropogenic source of carbon dioxide emitted to make that product. Explain why and outline some steps that would take fossil fuel use to produce that product in no more than one paragraph.
What are three main environmental consequences of our fossil fuel use? Provide one sentence for each of these consequences in terms of their root causes and their effects.
Consider the emissions associated with burning fossil fuels:
What are three emissions regulated in the U.S. for the burning of fossil fuels?
What is the most non-toxic emission resulting from complete combustion of fossil fuel?
What is one hazardous emission resulting from fossil fuel combustion? Describe the potential effects of this hazardous emission in one or two sentences. Is this emission on EPA’s list of Hazardous Air Pollutants (https://www.epa.gov/haps)?
Cheap fossil fuel has driven the world economy up to this point. You learned that there are other energy sources we can use. What do you think is the most promising alternative energy source and why? Provide one sentence each to describe three advantages and one disadvantage of this energy source compared to fossil fuels. Additionally, review the current U.S. energy data you looked at this week. How heavily does the U.S. currently rely on this energy source and what sector is it mainly used for?
Energy experts estimate that Americans could save 20% of our energy use with simple conservation measures. How much energy savings is 20% of American energy use annually equivalent to? Please provide a way to communicate how much energy that is equivalent to – such as how many barrels of oil that is equivalent to, or what countries that amount of energy powers, or any other form you think might be effective (such as “energy slave”).
Please document any sources used to answer these questions in APA format with both in-text citations and a reference list at end of your assignment.
ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples
Case Study - Part A: Literature analysis/article summary of ecological lake case study
The case study assignment is broken down into two parts, as described below. There is a grading rubric for each portion of the case study. Make sure that you fulfill all aspects of the grading rubric before turning in each assignment.
Part A: Literature Analysis/Article Summary
For this case study, select one of these lakes:
the case of the Aral Sea
the case of Lake Chad
These cases have similar themes that we will discuss in fuller detail after part A of this assignment has been completed.
Using the UMUC Library, search for relevant and scholarly articles that address reasons for the degradation and ecological damage of the lake or sea you selected during the last 50 to 60 years.
If you need help using the UMUC Library database, go to http://www.umuc.edu/library/ and click on the Ask a Librarian link, or use our library's tutorial on obtaining research materials: http://sites.umuc.edu/library/libhow/research_tutorial.cfm
If you are unsure about how tell if an article is scholarly, please review the following information: http://sites.umuc.edu/library/libhow/articles.cfm
From among the articles, select one scholarly article to use for part A of this case study assignment:
Concise two- to three-paragraph summary of the main ideas in the article. Be sure to describe both the reasons for the degradation and the ecological damage with supportive detail. (50 points)
One-paragraph discussion of how the information presented in your article relates to ecological principles and sustainable practices that you have read about and discussed in class. In the case of your chosen lake or sea, were ecological principles ignored or unsustainable practices used? Be sure to clearly identify specific ecological principles and sustainable practices from the course readings, referencing at least one assigned course reading from Weeks 1-3. (30 points)
Clear, concise paragraphs, with transitions between paragraphs and no grammatical or spelling errors (10 points)
Appropriate APA in-text citations and reference list (10 points)
ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples
Case Study - Part B: Case study final report on ecological lake case study
Part B: Case Study Final Report
Continue researching your topic (Aral Sea or Lake Chad) with reliable resources. Then, write a complete case study report (with introduction and conclusion), answering the following questions:
What human activities led to the degradation of the body of water? How are the human activities that led to the degradation tied to human population growth, choice of technologies, and growing global affluence? Which ecological principles did we ignore as part of our degradation of this ecosystem?
Did any natural changes exacerbate the degradation? If so, identify them.
What are the effects of the degradation on the ecosystem itself? How has this ecosystem degradation impacted the people living in the area?
Was there a tipping point to the ecosystem degradation? Explain your answer.
What was the management plan for restoring the ecosystem, if there was one?
What suggestions do you have for a management plan, and how does your plan address the ecological principles that were ignored as part of our degradation of this ecosystem? Are there more data you need to collect before proceeding with recommendations? If so, what data do you need?
ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples
Week 2 Quiz
Question 1Which of the following does not correctly pair the ecosystem with a service it provides?
Question options:
forests – absorb carbon dioxide
coasts – provide a buffer against storms
grasslands – dilute and remove pollutants
freshwater systems – moderate water flow
sustainable agriculture systems – produce and maintain soil
Question 2Most species facing extinction today are threatened because of:
Question options:
living in biodiversity hotspots.
changing climate.
the recent impact of a large comet.
large quantities of dust in the atmosphere.
human activity.
Question 3The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is required to develop management plans to protect the endangered Indiana Bat under:
Question options:
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES)
Kyoto Protocol
Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA)
Trade Records Analysis of Flora and Fauna in Commerce (TRAFFIC)
Question 4Most freshwater is present in the form of:
Question options:
water in lakes.
ice caps and glaciers/snow cover.
water in rivers.
atmospheric water vapor.
Question 5What sector consumes the largest amount of water globally?
Question options:
residential use
It is impossible to draw a general conclusion.
Question 6Wetlands are important for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
Question options:
They reduce flooding by storing water.
They increase pollutant loads in streams and rivers.
They provide a steady flow of water to streams.
They support high species diversity.
They are transitional areas between aquatic and terrestrial systems.
Question 7Humans harm the oceans in all of the following ways EXCEPT:
Question options:
Developing along the coast
Polluting the land
Recovering waste materials
Killing marine life with trash
With chemicals from the agriculture and industry
Question 8What is an example of "point-source" pollution?
Question options:
urban runoff
agricultural runoff
industrial wastewater
erosion sediments
Question 9The increase in the concentration of a persistent pollutant along the food chain is termed:
Question options:
biological amplification
the pesticide treadmill
Question 10Increased soil erosion may be caused by all of the following EXCEPT:
Question options:
compaction of soil.
construction of roads.
construction of shelterbelts.
clearcutting large forested areas.
poor agricultural practices.
Question 11Check all that apply: Renewable resources are those that
Question options:
can never be used up
will renew themselves relatively quickly, unless ecosystem services responsible for that renewal have been damaged
can be renewed, but only through intensive investments of capital and labor
are produced by industrial processes
are more abundant in developed countries than in developing nations
Question 12Which of the following is a direct cause of deforestation?
Question options:
Indigenous people
Decrease of agriculture
Both insects and diseases are direct causes of deforestation
Question 13All of the following are factors contributing to food insecurity EXCEPT:
Question options:
Insufficient infrastructure
Environmental degradation
Water scarcity
Civil unrest
Elimination of poverty
Question 14Sustainable agricultural practices are characterized by all of the following except:
Question options:
crop selection.
water and energy conservation.
use of manure as a fertilizer.
increasing biological diversity to control pests.
Question 15Using a combination of biological, chemical and cultural methods to control pests is referred to as:
Question options:
biological control.
integrated pest management.
biological magnification.
resistance management.
Question 16Identify the number one problem in environmental science and sustainability that links all problems together:
Question options:
the overconsumption of fossil fuels
the pollution of the environment
the consumption of fresh water
the human population is continually increasing
the depletion of needed resources
Question 17An age structure diagram shaped like a pyramid with a wide base and narrow top is characteristic of a country with:
Question options:
a rapid population growth rate
a stable population growth rate
zero population growth
decreasing population growth
a population at its carrying capacity
Question 18 According to Thomas Malthus, which are the three factors that would control the human population that exceeded the earth's carrying capacity?
Question options:
War, famine, and disease
Migration, disease, and birth control
Fertility rate, mortality rate, and migration
Famine, celibacy, and migration
Food production, famine, and fertility rate
Question 19 The theory suggesting that future population growth will develop along predictable stages as societies evolve from unindustrialized to postindustrial is called:
Question options:
Societal shift theory
Industrialization theory
Demographic transition theory
Malthusian theory
Cornucopian theory
Question 20Chemicals that mimic or interfere with the actions of hormones in humans and wildlife are called:
Question options:
persistent chemicals
endocrine disruptors
Question 21A mutagen is best described as a:
Question options:
type of microorganism associated with human sewage.
toxicant that initiates or promotes uncontrolled cell growth.
toxin produced by bacteria.
toxicant that alters the DNA sequence of chromosomes.
toxicant affecting the development of a fetus.
Question 22A dose-response curve shows:
Question options:
the dose that is lethal to an individual.
the dose that causes an individual to get sick.
the correct dose to use in the treatment of illness.
the dose that will be harmful to the environment.
the relationship between the dose and the response of the individual.
Question 23The study of the source, fate, and form of toxicants in the environment, including their harmful effects on ecosystems is known as:
Question options:
Environmental toxicology
Ecosystem toxicology
Question 24Risk assessment involves all of the following EXCEPT:
Question options:
financial costs of the predicted risk.
identification of the hazard.
dose-response assessment.
assessment of the exposure.
characterization of the risk.
Question 25 What is NOT a human exposure route considered in risk assessments?
Question options:
Ingestion with food and water
Intravenous administration
Dermal contact
Non-dietary ingestion
ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples
Quiz 3
Question 1Rank the following waste management options in order from the most preferred to the least preferred option:
____ Incineration with Energy Recovery
____ Waste Minimization
____ Disposal in a Sanitary Landfill
____ Recycling
____ Reuse
Question 2A good example of source reduction would be:
Question options:
burning old tires to generate usable energy.
finding uses for discarded computers and other high technology equipment.
the lighter weight of aluminum cans compared to 30 years ago.
installing air pollution control devices in incinerators.
increasing the percentage of paper, glass, and aluminum that is recycled in the United States.
Question 3When consumption or production of a product has a harmful side effect that is borne by people not directly involved in the market exchange for that product, the side effect is called a(n):
Question options:
marginal cost.
indirect cost.
additional cost.
intrinsic cost.
external cost.
Question 4Hardin (1968) referred to the tragedy of the commons. Identify which of the following represents a resource that could be characterized as a present-day commons.
Question options:
a) fresh water
b) atmosphere
c) forests
d) marine fisheries
e) all of these
Question 5The National Environmental Policy Act:
Question options:
mandates development of an Environmental Impact Statement at the end of any project using federal funds.
provided for the establishment of the Court on Environmental Quality to enforce U.S. environmental law.
requires the evaluation of proposed federal highway construction and military projects for their effects on the environment.
requires documentation of the financial impact of all environmental projects.
was signed into law in 1960.
Question 6Electric power plants typically do not operate efficiently because:
Question options:
A large amount of energy is lost as heat during generation.
Electricity is lost during transmission.
Energy often must be converted to supercooled hydrogen.
Electricity cannot be stored.
A large amount of energy is lost as heat during generation and electricity is lost during transmission
Question 7Which of the following fuels releases the greatest amount of energy per gram of fuel used?
Question options:
Natural gas
Crude oil
Question 8The greatest problem with the use of nuclear power to generate electricity is its production of:
Question options:
air pollutants
water pollution
carbon dioxide
radiation that is released into the surrounding region
radioactive waste that requires waste storage
Question 9Which three factors affect the global potential for using renewable energy sources to produce electricity? (Check the three factors that apply.)
Question options:
average fuel economy standards
availability of land suitable for energy generation
past global energy consumption rates
efficiency of energy conversion technology
costs associated with utilizing the energy source
Question 10In the United States, solar radiation is greatest in:
Question options:
the southwest.
the northeast.
the northwest.
the mid-west
Question 11Which of the following statements about hydropower is true?
Question options:
Dams have little or no impact on native aquatic organisms.
Hydropower includes dams, tides, and ocean currents.
Dams are relatively inexpensive to build but are expensive to operate.
The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act fosters the hydroelectric development of U.S. waterways.
Humans downstream of a dam may be exposed to waterborne diseases if the dam breaks.
Question 12Potential locations for wind farms include:
Question options:
a) mountain passes
b) islands
c) coastal areas
d) grasslands
e) All of these places
Question 13Which of the following is an advantage of using biomass as a source of energy?
Question options:
air pollution
depletion of minerals in the soil
increased possibility of erosion
potentially renewable source of energy
Question 14Geothermal energy is a prominent energy source in:
Question options:
northern Europe.
Question 15The Earth's atmosphere is important because:
Question options:
it is primarily composed of oxygen, essential for our survival.
it is composed of approximately twenty different layers.
it protects us from UV radiation and X-rays.
it is a stable and unchanging part of our global environment.
the densest outer layer shields the Earth's surface from dangerous forms of energy.
Question 16The long-term fluctuations in described by the Milankovitch cycles are due to:
Question options:
Oscillations in the earth's orbit
A change in the output of solar energy from the sun
Periodic changes in the amount of cloud cover
Destruction of the ozone layer
Volcanic eruptions
Question 17What are natural drivers of climate change? (Check all that apply.)
Question options:
Changes in the earth's orbit.
Variations in solar intensity.
Livestock farming
Volcanic eruptions
Question 18Which of the following activities is responsible for the largest percentage of human-made carbon dioxide emissions?
Question options:
burning of fossil fuels
ozone depletion
acid deposition
Question 19Which of the following causes sea levels to rise? (Check all that apply.)
Question options:
expansion of water as it warms
water is more reflective than ice
retreat of glaciers
ice absorbs more heat than water
thawing of permafrost
Question 20Which of the following statements about the effects of global warming on agriculture is TRUE?
Question options:
Global climate change decreases the frequency of droughts.
Rising sea level may inundate some of the world's most productive agricultural lands.
Global climate change will result in a global increase in agricultural productivity.
The warmer temperatures will result in increased soil moisture content in many agricultural soils.
Warmer temperatures associated with global climate change will help to control agricultural pests.
Question 21Stratospheric ozone is important because it:
Question options:
Absorbs excess UV radiation.
Is what we breathe.
Powers the weather cycle.
Is an industrial pollutant.
Is part of the troposphere.
Question 22The agreement which called for a 50% reduction of CFC production by 2000 was the:
Question options:
Copenhagen Protocol.
Montreal Protocol.
Kyoto Protocol.
Toronto Protocol.
Mexico City Protocol.
Question 23Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides react with water to produce:
Question options:
Tropospheric ozone and photochemical smog.
hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid.
sulfuric acid and nitric acid.
sulfur nitrate and nitrogen sulfate.
carbonic acid and hydrochloric acid.
ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples
Final Exam
Question 1What is/are vital function(s) of soil? (Check all that apply.)
Question options:
Regulate water flow through hydrologic cycle
Transport nutrients into streams and lakes
Facilitate breakdown of pollutants
Provide support for plants and structures
Indefinitely store nutrients
Question 2Which of the following characterizes a symbiotic relationship? (Check all that apply.)
Question options:
a close interrelationship where both species benefit
a close interrelationship where one species benefits, and the other is not affected
a close interrelationship where one species benefits, and the other is adversely affected
an intimate relationship between members of two or more species
a relationship where two species partition the available resources
Question 3All forms of renewable energy come from one of the following three sources: (Check the three sources that apply.)
Question options:
Heat of the earth's crust
Gravitational attraction of moon and sun
Water pressure
Question 4What are the factors determining food security? (Check all that apply.)
Question options:
food availability
food utilization
food access
food production
food demand
Question 5Excessive removal of groundwater can result in: (Check all that apply.)
Question options:
land subsidence
drying wetlands
groundwater desalinization
saltwater intrusion
dropping water tables
Question 6Which of the following are examples of environmental indicators? (Check all that apply.)
Question options:
Water quality
Extinction rate
Land use change
Gross domestic product
Household income
Question 7Which of the following is true for Type III survivorship? (Check all that apply.)
Question options:
The probability of survival decreases with age.
The probability of survival increases with age.
Death occurs primarily in older individuals in this category.
Organisms in this category typically have a large number of offspring but provide only little parental care.
Organisms in this category typically have a small number of offspring and provide a high amount of parental care.
Question 8Which of the following are potential causes for bias in a scientific research study? (Check all that apply.)
Question options:
Funding from special interest groups
Independent peer-review process
Political views of scientist
Pressure to publish data for promotion
Collaboration of several scientists with different backgrounds and affiliations
Question 9Which of the following features is typical of K-selected species?
Question options:
late reproduction.
small body size.
early maturity.
short life span.
large broods.
Question 10What does carbon neutrality mean?
Question options:
That no carbon dioxide is produced in a process
That no carbon dioxide is absorbed in a process
No net carbon dioxide emission from a process
The carbon released from a process does not impact anything
The carbon absorbed from a process does not impact anything
Question 11Put the following historical views of the environment in the correct chronological sequence (from past to present).
___ Earth Day celebrant: demonstrates support of environmental quality by planting trees
___ Global environmental citizen: recognizes that the human race is part of a global ecosystem and that human quality of life and ecosystem quality are linked.
___ Preservationists: protecting resources based on the belief that all life deserves respect and consideration.
____ Conservationist: protecting resources to conserve them for their usefulness for people.
___ Frontier attitude: desire to conquer and exploit nature as quickly as possible.
Question 12
Education, labor skills, and health are considered:
Question options:
natural capital
economic capital
social capital
human capital
political capital
Question 13What are some methods to prevent non-point source pollution? (Check all that apply.)
Question options:
Sediment traps
Limit use of fertilizers and pesticides
Use the storm sewer to dispose of chemicals
Keep yard wastes of sidewalks and streets.
Install a septic system
Question 14Which of the following processes play an important role in the phosphorus cycle? (Check all that apply.)
Question options:
Cellular respiration
Question 15Which of the following is true of highly developed countries? (Check all that apply.)
Question options:
a list would include Canada, Australia, and Norway
have high fertility rates
have very low infant mortality rates
have shorter life expectancies than less developed countries
have low rates of population growth
have high rates of population growth
Question 16What are characteristics of sustainable production? (Check all that apply.)
Question options:
just-in-time manufacturing
large warehouses for product storage
resource efficiency
green product design
life-cycle design to include product disposal
Question 17The energy released in the burning of biomass fuels: (Check all that apply.)
Question options:
originated as solar energy.
was stored as chemical energy in plant tissues or animal waste products.
was initially converted from solar energy to chemical energy by the process of cellular respiration.
is converted into electricity more efficiently that other renewable energy sources.
is one of the oldest fuels known to humans.
Question 18What factors influence the risk management process? (Check all that apply.)
Question options:
Costs-benefit considerations
Existing laws and court rulings
Income level and social conditions
Technological options
Political and public opinion
Question 19Water pollution problems in the Chesapeake Bay are caused by: (Check all that apply.)
Question options:
fertilizer runoff
livestock operation runoff
urban runoff
sewage treatment plan discharge
dumping of industrial chemicals into the bay
Question 20The ocean conveyor belt affects: (Check all that apply.)
Question options:
The nitrogen cycle
Storage of carbon dioxide and heat in the ocean
Regional and possibly global climate
Surface water currents
Question 21What is true about fossil fuels? (Check all that apply.)
Question options:
Fossil fuels have fueled economic development since the Industrial Revolution.
Over two thirds of the world's energy is supplied by fossil fuels.
Non-renewability is not a concern with fossil fuels.
Fossil fuel resources are evenly distributed around the globe.
A major concern related to fossil fuels is carbon dioxide emissions.
Question 22The average time a molecule spends in its reservoir is known as:
Question options:
resilience time
reservoir time
residence time
storage time
cycling duration
Question 23Which of the following activities makes the human species significant agents of environmental change on earth? (Check all that apply.)
Question options:
generation of toxic waste
burning fossil fuels
depleting fresh-water resources
eradicating unique species
polluting water and air
Question 24Rank the following waste management options in order from the most preferred to the least preferred option:
___ Disposal in a Sanitary Landfill
___ Reuse
____ Waste Minimization
___ Recycling
___ Incineration with Energy Recovery
Question 25 Environmental sustainability implies: (Check all that apply.)
Question options:
the actions of humans directly impacting the wellbeing of the natural environment
future generations will have the resources necessary for quality of life
natural resource management focused on economic profits
a shared global responsibility for conservation practices
the environment can function indefinitely without going into a decline from the stresses imposed by *human society on natural systems